• 195 Wendt Drive, Waupaca, WI 54981
  • Phone: (920) 215-6018
  • Email: info@waupacametalfab.com

Agricultural Products & Services

Agricultural Fabrication

Skilled designers and fabricators with a reputation for uncompromising quality

Our in-house designers and fabricators work one-on-one directly with customers to plan and manage each stage of every project!

Waupaca MetalFab offers a vast range of agricultural products and services from seed and feed storage to structural steel and slide gates. Our experienced team specializes in agricultural fabrication and their expert approach will reduce the costs and complexities in your next project!

Bulk Storage Structural Steel

Seed & Feed Storage Bins

Agricultural fabrication with no project too big or small!

Seed & Feed Storage Bins

When you choose Waupaca MetalFab, you can be sure every detail of your project is handled to the most stringent industry standards by skilled & experienced metal fabricators. When the bottom line and reputation of your company relies on the quality of your metal products, count on our Metal Fabrication services to get the job done right. Our team of engineers, journeymen, and fabricators have the equipment and knowledge to deliver on your metal fabrication needs—whether it is cutting, welding, forming, assembly, or all of the above.

Agricultural Products & Services

Waupaca MetalFab is among the Midwest's premiere metal fabricators and our in-house design team has over 30-years of combined experience designing custom solutions for the agricultural industry. Some of the more common fabrication projects include:

  • Structural Steel
  • Catwalks
  • Fall Protection Railings
  • Seed & Feed Dryer Panels
  • Bulk Storage Systems
  • Chutes
  • Manholes
  • Processing & Surge Bins
  • Slide Gates
  • Custom Fabrication

Agricultural fabrication is our specialty, let us help you succeed!

Waupaca MetalFab's vast experience ensure maximum efficiency without sacrificing quality!!